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Mar 7, 2014

the illustrated nails 2014 no: 3 | pastels &nd prints

Hi Everyone,

                    Are you guys ready for another fun nail art design? Here's another pastel combo for you guys. I used grey-pink-white color combo and added cute patterns to it! :D

Let's gooo! ;)

 white nail polish
 grey nail polish
 pink nail polish
(all in light colors---or in pastel)

dotting tool
 striping brush
 detailing brush

 white acrylic paint

 your favorite base coat &nd top coat! ;)

NOTE: i did different design on each hand.
let's begin with the left hand :]

 clean them nails---> apply base coat---> paint nails with the base colors (refer to the picture bellow). two coats each please! :DD


 let's do the grey nails' pattern...
 ready your dotting tool + white nail polish + pink nail polish.
 begin by dotting in a straight downward motion of any of the two nail polish.
 then another downward dots with the other nail polish. (do the window effect, to create the polka dots pattern)

 i painted a coat of my pink nail polish on the white nails. it is much easier for me to do a checkered pattern this way. or you can also do it your way, like painting checkered with one color first then color the remaining squares with your other color next. it depends on you :)

 moving on, after my checkered has dried. grab your striping brush and white acrylic paint, dilute it with water and start striping your squares.

 like so.  

 and lastly the middle finger.
 i cannot think of any design to put, so i decided to put a bow.
 so, with your detailing brush, dip it with your grey nail polish and paint on the shape of your bow. let it dry, let it dry! :)

 after your bow has dried. wash your detailing brush and dip it to your white acrylic and out line the details of your bow.

like this.

now, let's do the right hand...
 paint the same base colors you painted on your left nails.

 get your striping brush and draw downward lines with the same nail polish you used for the index and the ring finger. do them alternately.

 like this. ^____^

 okay for the index and pinky finger, we will do the same polka dots pattern with left hand  but, we'll change the white as the base and the grey as our other dots color.

 lastly, the middle finger.
 i only did a simple design with the middle finger.
 taking the same grey nail polish, paint it on the left part of the nail, dividing it into two.

 now line the part with white. And make another line next to the line (on the grey side) with a thinner line.

 whew! all you have to do is wait for everything to dry. apply top coat to protect your design from chipping :D


thank you so much! ^__^

PS: please follow me on instagram for more updates ;) 

much love and respect.

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